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I wanted to do this for a long time now and finally, it happened. I got these beautiful super talented pole dancers to come to my hometown Zagreb, Croatia. It was super intensive, mind and body bending workshops and photoshoot weekend. If you happen to be the one that participated in this - thank you very much! If you weren't that lucky I hope we'll see you next time...cause this was too good not to repeat.

To sum up the experience I wrote this. If you want to know what's it like from the inside continue reading...

Well, I've never before have organised such complex event so I was a bit terrified. It wasn't just workshops - that part seemed easy. The plan was to make a one day trip to one of Croatia's beautiful islands and do a photo session there AND maybe even more important make a super good quality video to represent HA and what we stand for.


This is still a super small business, one person operated, but I managed to save up some money for this adventure and I really wanted to do something for my beautiful ambassadors so they have some nice memories and hopefully amazing photos to take away.

I've been doing promotions for workshops and all the planning for two-three months ahead time so I was pretty relaxed but excited when the event came closer. And then the trouble started - my drone operating videographer cancelled 5 days before the departure day. Oh NO! Is my dream to have a drone video over?

I was lucky enough to quickly find an excellent photographer with a drone and free time to go with us and do this. 

A new problem arose:

my boyfriend was supposed to drive us and carry heavy things but booked that date for another job by accident sooo...I was going to drive us now.


Friday 1:30AM we arrived at my house on Pag. I drove all night. We then realise that the wind is too strong and that might be a big problem for the drone. The plan was to make a video very early in the morning but the wind made that inpossible. 

Photo: Hrvoje Golubić

Photo: Bruno Zlomislić

We then decided to make things simple and make a photo session on the beach in front of the house until the afternoon when we'll be going to another more wild beach to make a video.


There was Pero the photographer taking photos of the girls on the beach, in the blistering sun. Olga, Joana and Tea are taking turns. Hrvoje is making some video shots already and he also brought his assistant Bruno who is also taking photos. I'm cooking fish and vegetables for everybody and there are random people, locals weirdos coming up to us trying to find out what's going on hahaha


Photo: Pero Penx

Photo: Hrvoje Golubić

We eat and straight away go to the next location. We found a good spot and set up. We have a very little window of time to shoot cause the sun is going down. Hrvoje is doing his magic with the drone and girls are finding the last atoms of energy to do this. It has been about 12 hours of almost non-stop work for everybody.


It was time for me to turn into a mermaid. I'm a mermaid so why not put a mermaid in a pole dance video?! Well...I have to tell you, the sea water was freezing cold, like really seriously cold. I did get in and I did my part. Very proud of that.


The sun has set and it was time to go on the road again. Back to Zagreb. But everybody is hungry of course so the plan changes and we go eat together in a nice restaurant. It was just what we needed after a long hard working but fun in the sun day. Only it wasn't over for me. I still need to drive to Zagreb for 3.30h so I do something I never normally do. I buy an energy drink. Good thing those coffee drinks work really well if you're not used to them. 

Finally, we arrive around 3AM. My cat is happy to see us and we go to sleep satisfied with what was accomplished. Tomorow the workshops start and we need all the energy for that.

I'm very grateful to everyone involved for all they contributed. 

Please go and check out the amazing work of Hrvoje Golubić at his website  and

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And also our photographer Pero Penx at his  

  • Facebook - Black Circle
  • Instagram - Black Circle

Teaser Video: Hrvoje Golubić

Photo: Pero Penx

This video is just a teaser one. I can't wait to see the end result. 

After all this craziness workshops day was easy. Everybody was on time. Eager to learn from the best. Olga and Joana were absolute professionals. They are both very good instructor with a lot of patience and understanding for us regular humans. We all learned a lot...took some pictures and videos and at the end of the day were too tired to go out or anything. Just hit the bed. Olga was interested in having some fun, but the rest of us were just...sorry Olga. Olga is a beast! 


The next morning I took Olga and Joana to the city centre to have some nice breakfast and we went on a walking tour of the old town. I can be an asshole sometimes so I let them stand underneath the cannon that fires at noon every day without letting them know what was going to happen XD Well, the joke is on me cause I get scared very easily so when the cannon went off - I jumped in the air with them too. We lathed, nobody had a heart attack, it was funny and we'll remember it always.


Then it was time for Tea's workshops and that was awesome. I tried and failed miserably. Her tricks are sooo hard when you don't have flexible back, and even if you do they are pretty difficult. The girls attending the workshops kicked ass nonetheless. They were amazing. Tea just makes you do it. You look with disbelief but she believes in you and doesn't give up until you make progress.  



All the official stuff was finally over and I've decided to take the girls to the local artisan contemporary circus. I wasn't sure what to expect from it but the performance did not let us down. It was so amazing and fun to see. The tent is a true circus tent. Small, red and super cute. We had a great evening and after the show, we went for a drink and then a night of no sleeping followed. I drove Joana and Olga to the airport at different times during the night and when I finally touched my bed I was so happy and fulfilled. 

It was an experience I was dreaming for some time now and it was worth all the trouble and money.


I will forever remember some moments. Hope we do it once again. Learn from my mistakes and do it even better next time.

I also hope everyone that participated in workshops is satisfied with the experience and that they had fun and learn something from these inspirative instructors. If you did't make it this time be sure to follow us and join in next year!


The big THANK YOU goes to my K- team people Anita, Zoki and Maja for all the support and help. Without them giving us their beautiful studio space for two days this would not be possible. Love you guys!


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