If you'd like to showcase your studio or web-shop on these lists, don't hesitate to get in touch for a 'skin-sational' partnership. Our wholesale offers are tailored to support small businesses just like yours!

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Australia & New Zeland

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If you'd like to showcase your studio or web-shop on these lists, don't hesitate to get in touch for a 'skin-sational' partnership. Our wholesale offers are tailored to support small businesses just like yours!

www.liquid-chalk-grip.com (Germany)
boomkats.com (Slovenia)
Pole Pixies (Belgium)
Pole Dance Buchholz (Germany)
Pole Heart - Pole Dance, Movement & Fitness Studio (Portugal)
Rock’n'Pole Regensburg (Germany)
www.polecatapparel.co.uk (U.K.)
flexmonkey.nl (Netherlands)
www.pivotpolestudio.co.uk (U.K.)
Pole Arena VOF (Belgium)
Star Poledance (Germany)
Flyaway Aerial Studio (U.K.)
360 Pole Dancing (U.K.)
Studio Aeris (Netherlands)
Pole Dance Studio M (Slovenia)
Pole Dance Akademija (Serbija)
Pole Dance Hedera (Serbija)
www.poledance32.sk (Slovakia)
https://wcps.se (Sweden)

Rock & Rhythm (Oman)

Americas & Canada
www.tupole.cl (Chile)